CEO Greetings
Rom International Inc. insisted only on global territorial expansion.
When others focus only on the narrow domestic market, From the beginning, Rom International Inc. has been running with the goal of entering a wide global market.
Like Rome, which started with a small city-state in Italy, and built a great empire in the ancient world,
Rom International Inc. started as a small one-man company and has grown into the best cosmetics distribution/marketing company in the overseas market.
The driving force behind Rome's hegemony was embracing and accepting different cultures,
Just as they came from their generosity to reinvent themselves with their own heritage,
Rom International also wants to recreate a new beauty culture with various partners.
Rom International Inc. is moving towards the world, towards tomorrow and towards beauty.
Please support the future we will change.
Thank you.
2020.08 CEO


Dec. BeautiTopping Showroom Opens (Shinjuku, Japan)
Sep. Selected as a company to receive incentives for the global shopping mall sales business
July Certified as a Mainstay Business (MAIN-BIZ)
July Designated as a Professional Trade Company by the Korea International Trade Association
Apr. Selected as an agency for global shopping mall sales business
Feb. IBK Family companies (blue-chip designation)
Establish an offshore corporation (Japan)
Dec. Achieved 30 billion won in sales in
Dec. Achieved 30 billion won in sales in
July Opened Dapsimni 2nd Logistics Center
June Daisyk business agreement
May before the expansion of Dapsimni Logistics Center
May Relocation of office building: Sebang Building
June Dapsimni Logistics Center opened in
June Relocation of office building: Haeyeon Building
Dec. Achieved 12 billion won in sales in
Oct. J&J business agreement
Sep. Deferred Life Beauty Business Agreement
May Entered Rakuten in Japan
Dec. Coutelle Perfume Q10 Singapore BEST SELLER 1
January Selected to move into the Korea International Trade Association Trade Center Venture Plaza
Mar. Conversion of corporation to Rom International Inc. established
Mar. Selected as a Singapore sales agency for Clio Co., Ltd. business agreement
Feb. Lire Remover Stick Q10 Singapore, Q10 Japan's BEST SELLER 1st place
Dec. Angs Shop headquarters business
Aug. Swanicoco Headquarters Business Agreement
March Lire headquarters business agreement
March Mi Factory Headquarters Business Agreement
January Skin Distributor Hansung Business Agreement
Dec. IBK 베스트파트너(우량 수출입기업 지정)
Dec. 수출지원기반활용사업(수출바우처) 수행기관 선정
Qoo10 BestSeller 선정(2년 연속)
Mar. Selected to implement global shopping mall expansion support project
Mar. Tower of Exports (10 Million Dollar Tower)
Feb. Selected as a participating company in the Seoul Youth Intern Job Camp
Jan. Establishing a corporate research center
Received eBay Export Star Group Award

Organization chart
Management Planning Office
Brand Division
Retail Division
Management Divisio
online sales
Distribution/Marketing Team
Wholesale Sales
Sales Management Team
Logistics Management Team
Logistics Management Team
Management Support Team
Way to come
ADDRESS ROM International, 3rd floor, Sebang Building, 95, Hancheon-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul (801 Dapsimni-dong)
TEL +82 (0)2-6956-9669 | FAX +82(0)70-8277-9669